Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tortilla Soup at the Tavern - $3.99

For the good of the blog, and the good of mankind, I must remind myself every post need not be several pages long. For example, today's post.

This afternoon I headed over to The Tavern, mentioned previously, to enjoy the Steelers - Chargers game. While another bar in town fancies itself "The Austin Steelers Bar," I have certain issues with it and so instead settled into the cozy recesses of The Tavern.

Sitting in one spot for three hours straight can grow a little tiresome, so what better way to shake things up than by eating! It was an afternoon game; I had already eaten lunch and had dinner plans. To that end, I went with the extremely versatile cop-out dish: soup.

Actual soup not pictured

While others could possibly expound upon and endlessly delight the reader with a story of a fairly good cup of soup, I am not at that talent level...yet.

The Tavern's tortilla soup was surprisingly tasty with good flavor and spice. While maybe a touch expensive for the size of the cup, I felt warmed and satisfied. Stuff well bought.

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